Hey guys, so its Sunday already. Jesus, time really flies when you are enjoying yourself! Had a great weekend, nothing really special but had few drinks with some friends, good times.
But last night I had the best fucking dream ever. Period. I woke up crying 05:15 because it was so awesome. I don't remember shit though, except for a few things:
The dream had me scared shitless a few times, not that crappy horror movie scared, no a real fucking primal fear. Funny thing was that it felt good afterwards, I felt alive in a new sense, strange but completely awesome!
Another thing was the most beatiful nature scenery I ever seen, I can place some aspects of real life memories, but somethings were just random.
The last thing I remember was a cute girl I can't recall seeing in real life, it was weird in a sense...
Well well, kinda wish that I'll dream it again sometime!
An interview that actually went well. In truth it feels like I aced it, which is a first. They gave a task to call one of their team leaders and act as a employee trying to sell an insurance, it went quite well, was kinda nervous but I managed to "sell" the insurance which hopefully counts for something!
Regarding music I gotta say that this among the best tracks I've heard this year
Hey guys, I realised the other day I have no ambitions in life, I'm far to content with my life how it is right now. Considering that I graduated from the Swedish equivalent to high school and the fact that I'm currently unemployed its kinda scary. So why start a blog? To get some motivation I started a blog (altough I fail to see how this gonna help my out, but what the hell, going with the feeling).
To end on the bright side I got a job interview tomorrow, gotta see if I crash and burn or actually win a something for once.
Just gonna leave this track here, can't say I like the vocals but otherwise its quite good.